Open New Case
Please select the category that best fits your allegations.

Theft and other criminal activities involving County employees, contractors, and vendors.
For example:
- Theft of equipment and supplies
- Theft of electronic information such as personal identifying information (identity theft)
- Misuse of County vehicles
- Time abuse
- Personal use of County equipment and/or other resources

Violations of the County’s Policy of Equity.
For example:
- Discrimination, retaliation, and/or inappropriate conduct toward others based on a protected status
- Sexual and other unlawful harassment
- Other violations of the County Policy of Equity
These allegations should be referred to the County’s Equity Investigations Unit for investigation.

Welfare Fraud
These allegations should be referred to the Los Angeles County Department of Social Services Welfare Fraud Investigations Unit (DPSS-Welfare) for investigation. Call the DPSS Welfare Fraud Hotline at (800) 873-7283.

Labor/employment issues.
For example:
- Hiring improprieties
- Promotional improprieties
- Violations of the County whistleblower ordinance
- Violations of Civil Service Rules
- Other Employment/Labor issues
These allegations are received by the Auditor-Controller’s Office of County Investigations but are typically referred to the Department of Human Resources, Departmental Support Division (HRDS) for investigation.

Workers’ Compensation Fraud
These allegations are received by the Auditor-Controller’s Office of County Investigations but are typically referred to the Chief Executive Office, Risk Management Division (CEO-WC) for investigation.

Matters concerning workplace threats and building/physical security.
For example:
- Security incident reporting and threats
- Improper County badge/ID usage
These matters are typically referred to the Sheriff Department’s Court Services Division, Security Operations Unit at (213) 974-2628 or (213) 974-7926.
For immediate building security issues, contact the Sheriff Department’s Countywide Services Division, County Services Bureau (24-Hour Watch Commander) at (213) 974-8000.

Concerns about management decisions and/or ineffective management.
For example:
- Management decisions that do not align with County strategic plan goals
- Poor programmatic outcomes and measures of effectiveness
- Budget issues
These allegations are received by the Auditor-Controller’s Office of County Investigations but are often referred to the Chief Executive Office and/or discussed with the Board of Supervisors.

Other Non-County Agencies.
For example:
- In-Home Support Services
- Other matters controlled by State, federal, and other jurisdictions
These matters should be reported to the responsible jurisdiction for investigation.

Privacy concerns involving County facilities or programs, or violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
For example:
- Inappropriate disclosure of personally identifiable information maintained by the County or one of its contractors
- Acquisition, access, use, or disclosure of protected health information maintained by the County, or one of its contractors, in a manner not permitted which compromises the security or privacy of the protected health information.
These matters should be reported to:
Phone: (213) 974-2164

Provides assistance to youth regarding Group Home concerns.
For example:
- Personal rights issues
- Not getting respect
- Complaints about food or clothing
- Personal belongings taken
- Unfair discipline
- Feeling intimidated or isolated
- Other issues
These allegations should be referred to the Los Angeles County Children’s Group Home Ombudsman.